Tuesday 5 June 2018

My Life Without WIFI

I remember when I was a media student at London School of Economics, I took a class with Professor Sonia Livingstone, a genius academic specialised in the studies of Audience. Her first assignment to the class was to ask us all to cut our access to the internet for a day. Only one day, that’s all she asked, and share our experiences with the class. I thought pff, impossible, I was not going to survive, so I never really took the challenge seriously, but just the thought of not having internet already scared me.

Yesterday morning, my home internet died completely due to some technical problem with the cable. As a result, I am now stuck in a home/home office with no WIFI access and have to rely purely on my phone data which can be so unstable since I live in a high-rise condominium. In this article, I will use the word internet and WIFI interchangeably, referring to the home internet and not the phone data. So, here’s how my life has been going…

Waking up wasn’t hard. Everything else from getting ready, making breakfast went well, except when it comes to updating my Instagram stories. This can be a bit of a problem when I upload because (I think) Instagram stories videos are of better quality when you have internet. Apart from that, I’m good. Then I would go out to my actual office (not the home office), where I still have access to the internet and can go on with my life normally.

Once I got back home, I thought I was going to be in a insufferable pain for two reasons. Firstly, I was afraid I would have nothing to do, and secondly, I thought I would not be able to work, but I was wrong. In fact, I felt really good and productive. I cooked myself a healthy dinner, spent some time catching up with a friend face-to-face, had nice shower, did some home organisation and realized I was simply happy. I felt organised, finally, after procrastinating on touching the piles of things I had laying around for almost a week. I also unpacked from my last two trips. I noted that I could work just fine without having the internet. In fact, I am working right now on writing this blog. For work that requires internet and communicating with the others, I told myself to just wait. Those things can wait until tomorrow, when I am fully recharged and ready to work again in the office. It felt good saying no, and having a limit, which in the past was an issue as my work life balance tends to be blurred.

Let’s see how long I can keep up with this oh-so-healthy lifestyle.

Until next time…

Pamme. x


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