Friday 27 April 2018

London: My Last 24 Hrs

In the next 24 hours, I will have to leave London again. This trip is yet another memorable one. Mostly seeing old faces, but in different settings. I also tried many more new restaurants that I am excited to blog and vlog about very soon.

I noticed most visitors to London enjoy the West side: Hyde Park, Notting Hill, Marble Arch, Oxford Circus and Westminster, with traditional English architectures. For me, my heart really belongs to the actual City of London with skyscrapers and edgy characters; namely the area of Bank, Liverpool Street, Spitalfields Market, Shoreditch and Canary Wharf.

As of now, I’m signing off. Please enjoy the view of Canary Wharf from my balcony.

Until next time...

Pamme. x

Like this story? 
Read the prequel: "Before London, there was Paris."
My London love story: "Why I am in Love with London?"


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